From Lina with IT

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Carpenter, fire fighter, architect, artist, author, explorer, scientist, and archeologist

this is my favorite quote in "Professional Software Development" book by Steve McConnell

When interviewing candidates for programming jobs, one of my favorite interview questions is, "How would you describe your approach to software development?" I give them examples such as carpenter, fire fighter, architect, artist, author, explorer, scientist, and archeologist, and I invite them to come up with their own answers. Some candidates try to second-guess what I want to hear; they usually tell me they see themselves as "scientists." Hot-shot coders tell me they see themselves as commandos or swat-team members. My favorite answer came from a candidate who said, "During software design, I'm an architect. When I'm designing the user interface, I'm an artist. During construction, I'm a craftsman. And during unit testing, I'm one mean son of a bitch!"

I like to pose this question because it gets at a fundamental issue in our field: What is the best way to think of software development? Is it science? Is it art? Is it craft? Is it something else entirely?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Google Coding Contest

And the winner of these clever IIT grads from India,

right? Surprisingly, no. Ardian Poernomo, a third-year undergrad

computer engineering student at Singapore's Nanyang Technological

University, lands in first place. The No. 2 finisher, Pascal

Alfadian, a second-year student at the Universitas Katolik

Parahyangan in West Java, is Indonesian, too.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Google dewa dari segala dewa...salutee

Gue ketolong banget dengan google di pekerjaanku. Pertama dulu sih ga ada yang suka bantuin gue di kantor kalo ada masalah, jadi langkah pertama gue nyari di google, langkah kedua nanya ama temen messenger, langkah ketiga baru nanya di milis. 70% solve dengan google, helpful banget.

Everything bisa dicari disitu, yang ga kebayang, gue nyoba-nyoba ambil sertifikasi project management di cuman ngandelin google eh..dapet tuh sertifikat huehueheu ^_^ Jadi sertifikasi itu sama sekali ga ngebukti tuh orang jago di bidangnya hahaha buktinya gue yg ga punya pengalaman dibidang itu eh..bisa tuh dapet sertifikat hanya dengan telaten searching di google.

Jadi inget kuliah nih..sayang banget kurikulum ilmu komputer ga membuat lulusannya siap kerja. Mungkin ilmu yang paling penting bagi lulusannya itu 1. ulet, tekun, mau belajar mandiri dan 2. pinter searching di google hahahahaaa.. to go home..mobil jemputan udah nunggu nieh..dagh