From Lina with IT

Monday, February 21, 2005

Macam-macam job desc karier di bidang IT

dapet artikel ini di milis programmer-kristen. Memang sih terlalu teoritis. In my workplace there're only three different job desc in IT. Programmer, Technical Support, and Manager. Kalo ditilik dari artikel ini, gue itu computer programmer, computer software engineer, dan computer system analyst. Oya satu tambahan lagi gue juga jadi help desk. Hidup terasa lebih berwarna hohoho. Kebayang kalo gue bener2 strik ke satu job desc...Wah..dunia IT memang luas sekali. Kalo mo jadi software engineer, ada must read e-book kalo ga salah judulnya Professional Software Engineering E-booknya membuka wawasan banget. So good luck make a carrier in IT world =)

15-0000 Computer and Mathematical Science

15-1011 Computer and Information Scientists, Research
Conduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors.
Solve or develop solutions to problems in the field of computer hardware and software.

15-1021 Computer Programmers
Convert project specifications and statements of problems and procedures to detailed logical flow charts for
coding into computer language. Develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific
documents, data, and information. May program web sites.
Illustrative Examples: Computer Programmer Aide; Mainframe Programmer; Systems Programmer

15-1031 Computer Software Engineers, Applications
Develop, create, and modify general computer applications software or specialized utility programs. Analyze
user needs and develop software solutions. Design software or customize software for client use with the
aim of optimizing operational efficiency. May analyze and design databases within an application area,
working individually or coordinating database development as part of a team. Excludes "Computer Hardware
Engineers" (17-2061).
Illustrative Examples: Applications Developer; Programmer Analyst; Software Designer

15-1032 Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software
Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution
software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general
computing applications. Set operational specifications and formulate and analyze software requirements.
Apply principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis.
Illustrative Example: EDP Systems Engineer

15-1041 Computer Support Specialists
Provide technical assistance to computer system users. Answer questions or resolve computer problems for
clients in person, via telephone or from remote location. May provide assistance concerning the use of
computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail, and
operating systems. Excludes "Network and Computer Systems Administrators" (15-1071).
Illustrative Examples: Customer Support Analyst; Help Desk Technician; Work Station Support Specialist

15-1051 Computer Systems Analysts
Analyze science, engineering, business, and all other data processing problems for application to electronic
data processing systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve
existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations. May analyze
or recommend commercially available software. Excludes persons working primarily as "Engineers" (17-2011
through 17-2199), "Mathematicians" (15-2021), or "Scientists" (19-1011 through 19-3099). May supervise
computer programmers.
Illustrative Examples: Health Systems Computer Analyst; Data Processing Systems Project Planner;
Information Systems Consultant

15-1061 Database Administrators
Coordinate changes to computer databases, test and implement the database applying knowledge of
database management systems. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard
computer databases.
Illustrative Examples: Automatic Data Processing Planner; Database Design Analyst; Database Security

15-1071 Network and Computer Systems Administrators
Install, configure, and support an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and
Internet system or a segment of a network system. Maintain network hardware and software. Monitor
network to ensure network availability to all system users and perform necessary maintenance to support
network availability. May supervise other network support and client server specialists and plan, coordinate,
and implement network security measures. Excludes "Computer Support Specialists" (15-1041).
Illustrative Examples: Network Control Operator; Network Security Administrator

15-1081 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
Analyze, design, test, and evaluate network systems, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks
(WAN), Internet, intranet, and other data communications systems. Perform network modeling, analysis, and
planning. Research and recommend network and data communications hardware and software. Includes
telecommunications specialists who deal with the interfacing of computer and communications equipment.
May supervise computer programmers.
Illustrative Example: Systems Integrator

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


udah lama ga utak-atik delphi lagi. Mulai liat code-code dari Marco Cantu di Mastering Delphi 7 Code. Dari dulu ingin memperdalam fungsi threading. Threading is the process that allows various transactions to be executed concurrently.

Threading source from Mastering Delphi 7-Marco Cantu

// custom thread class

TPrimeAdder = class(TThread)
FMax, FTotal, FPosition: Integer;
procedure Execute; override;
procedure ShowTotal;
procedure UpdateProgress;
property Max: Integer read FMax write FMax;

procedure TPrimeAdder.Execute;
I, Tot: Integer;
Tot := 0;
for I := 1 to FMax do
if IsPrime (I) then
Tot := Tot + I;
if I mod (fMax div 100) = 0 then
FPosition := I * 100 div fMax;
FTotal := Tot;

procedure TPrimeAdder.ShowTotal;
ShowMessage ('Thread: ' + IntToStr (FTotal));

procedure TPrimeAdder.UpdateProgress;
Form1.ProgressBar1.Position := fPosition;

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
AdderThread: TPrimeAdder;
AdderThread := TPrimeAdder.Create (True);
AdderThread.Max := Max;
AdderThread.FreeOnTerminate := True;

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine

tulisannya Grace membangun banget ;). Dia menjadi berkat lewat tulisan-tulisan yang dia buat. Aku share yah...maaf loh kalo ga berhubungan dengan IT. But we know.. there're three most important decision for our life. First, menerima Kristus sebagai juruselamat kita. Second, memilih pasangan hidup kita. Third, pekerjaan. So..i share very good artikel buat temen2 yg masih 'high quality jomblo' kaya gue ^_^. Happy Valentine

My prayer

I pray for a man, that will be a part of my life
A man that really loves You more than everything
A man that will take me in the second place of his heart
A man that lives not for himself but for U
Face and phsysical attraction isn't important
The most important is
I want a heart that really loves and thristy of U
and have a desire to be like Jesus

And he must know for whom and for what he lives
So his life isnt useless
Someone that have a wise heart
Not only a smart brain
A man that not only loves me but also respect me
A man that not only can adore me
But can warning me when I'm wrong
A man that loves me not from my beauty but from my heart
A man that can be my best friend in every time and situation
A man that make me feel like a woman when I beside him

I'm not ask a perfect man
But I ask for imperfect man
So I can make him perfect in Your eyes.
A man that need my support for his strength
A man that need my prayer for his life
A man that need my smile to cover his sadness
A man that need my love so he could feel beloved
A man that need me to make his life perfect

And I also ask
Make me to be a woman that can made him proud
Give me a heart that really love You
So I could love him with Your love
Not love him with my love
Give me Your gentle spirit
So my beauty not come from my outside but come from You
Give me Your Hands
That I always able to pray for him
Give me Your eyes
So I could see many good things in him and not the bad one
Give me Your mouth
That fullfil with Your words of wisdom and encourange
So I could support him every day
Give me Your lips
And I will smile at him every morning

And I want that when finally we meet
Both of us can say
How great Thou Art
that You give me someone that can make my life perfect
I know that You want we meet at the right time
And You will make everything beautiful in Your time

By. Grace

Friday, February 04, 2005

My First Diary

13:22 Awalnya gue ngedownload freeware diari - Advanced Diary ternyata powerful buat share my though in my office. Selama ini kan gue nulis diari di rumah dan itu juga bukan soal IT, tapi soal..yah privasi wanita lah =).
Di diari ini rencanya gue juga mo nulis what i learn today. Poin selanjutnya sih nulis pengalaman gue di tempat kerja, ngelatih hobi menulis gue, lalu yang terakhir untuk merekam setiap perjalanan hidup gue di tempat kerja. Mungkin dengan adanya diary ini gue bisa belajar untuk menemukan sesuatu yang baru dan sharing my knowledge for other. Knowlege is free. Selain itu juga menulis setiap things to do, what i learn. so...check this out

1. What I learn
- kiat menjaga kebugaran PC biar ga cepet crash dari PC Media. PC Media tuh majalah komputer yang gue baca berkala. Bagus banget buat nambah ilmu terutama buat gue yang masih dummies banget kalo berkenaan soal hardware en network.
- cara conect internet ke PC dari CDMA phones dan kisaran harga internet /Kb untuk tiap operator seluler. Nah..kalo ada yg mau bisa gue kirim secara japri =)
- shell scripting dari PC Media juga
- crystal report sudah habis sebuku =) belajar teknik crosstab, formula dalam report, mengingat ulang konsep rdbms
- rencananya sepanjang sore ini mo belajar konsep framework .NET dan bahasa C#
- tadi barusan baca e-book migrasi dari vb.60 ke visual en baca salah satu kontributor buku, yaitu Katarina Clementine Dewi Maya.
ini profilenya :
Katarina Clementine Dewi Maya adalah Developer untuk Loaning System di perusahaan Internet Solutions PT.Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi (Ad-Ins) yang dalam kesehariannya menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic .NET dan SQL Server
2000. Sebelumnya bergerak di dunia .NET, pernah menjadi developer Visual Basic 6 (2003),System Analyst untuk Neodone System.Lahir di Jakarta 23 November 1982. Alumni Bina Nusantara jurusan Teknik Informatika. Di kala senggangnya masih aktif di komunitas Microsoft, salah satunya adalah Project OTAK “Knowledge is Free” ,sering mengutak atik games 3D untuk kaum hawa, membongkar CPU, penikmat Jazz - relaksasi – Slow Rock, window shopping , kolektor pensil kayu.
dia lebih muda satu taon dari gue !!!!!!! en yang dia capai lebih dari gue !!! wah...sebagai seorang yang tergolong 'ambisius' jadi tertantang nih ;) Gue juga tidak mau menyerah. Mencapai yang terbaik yang aku bisa. Doing my best in everything of my life (Kol 3:23) In Everythin you do, do it as for the Lord
Hidup gue di IT en..gue mau melakuin apa yg Tuhan panggil disini ;) AMIN